Foundation made of piss and vinegar . . . . . .
....YAWN IN A BOWL im bored and i have a headache and im hungry but im not, and my brother got me a slipknot window sticker and i **HEART** it
I submitted sites to ANIPIKE today, BE HAPPY
ihave a green OUR COMPLIMENTS Yo Yo
d just ate the best food created by modern man (mostly cuz of lack of food in the house) ... A JAM(yes people JAM) AND PROCESSED CHEESE SAMWICH!!! n_n i need to sleep now
i dunno, but i think that i need sleep, im soo oooo bord and im tired and im bored
How to say "Oh my god! There's an axe in my head" in various languages:
Afrikaans: O God! Daar's 'n byl in my kop!
Alsatian: Lever Gott! Es esch a Axe en miner Kopf!
Ancient Greek: O Theos mou! Echo ten labrida en te mou kephale!
Assyrian: iliya pashum ina reshimi bashu
Babylonian: iliya pashu ina reshiya bashu
Bengali: Oh Allah! Amar mathar upor bash poreche.
Bosnian: Boze moj! sjekira mi je u glavi.
Danish: Oh min gud! Der er en oekse i mit hoved.
Dutch: O, mijn God! Er zit een bijl in mijn hoofd.
Egyptian: in Amun! iw minb m tp-i!
English: Oh my god! There's an axe in my head.
Esperanto: Mia Dio! Hakilo estas en mia kapo!
Finnish: Voi Luoja! Paassani on kirves!
French: Mon dieu! Il y a une hache dans ma tete.
German: Oh mein Gott! Ich habe eine Axt im Kopf!
Greek: hristo mou! eho ena maheri sto kefali mou!
Hebrew: Eloi! Yesh'li ca-sheel ba-rosh sheh-li!
Hindi: Hay Bhagwaan! Mere sar mein kulhaadi hain.
Hungarian: Jaj Istenem, egy fejsze van a fejemben!!
Icelandic: Gud minn godur! Thad er o:xi i ho:fdinu a mer.
Irish: Mo Dhia! Ta' tua sa mo cheann.
Italian: Dio mio! C'e' un' ascia nella mia testa!
Japanese: ahh, kamisama! watashi no atama ni ono ga arimasu.
Klingon: ghay'cha'! nachwIjDaq betleH tu'lu'!
Korean: Oh, mapsosa, nae muhrieh dokiga itdani!
Latin: Deus Meus! Securis in capite meo est.
Latvian: Ak Dievs! Man ir cirvis galva!
Malayalam: Entey Deiwame, entey thalayil oru kodali undei.
Maori: Ave Te Ariki! He toki ki roto taku mahuna!
Marathi: Aray Devaa! Majhyaa dokyaat kurhaad aahay.
Norwegian: Herre Gud! Jeg har en aks i hodet!
Polish: O Moj Boze! Mam siekiere w glowie!
Portuguese: Meu Deus! Tenho um machado na cabeca!
Russian: Bozhe moi! Eto topor v moyei golove!
Slovenian: Moj Bog! Sekiro imam v glavi.
Spanish: Dios mio! Hay una hacha en mi cabeza!
Swahili: Siyo! (Huko) Shoka yangu kichwanil!
Swedish: Ah, Herregud! Jag har en yxa i huvudet!
Tagalog: Ay Dios ko! May palakol sa ulo ko!
Ukrainian: Gospody! V mene topor v golovi!
Visigothic: Meina guth, Ikgastaldan aqizi-wunds meina haubida
Welsh: A nuw! Mae bywell yn fy mhen i!
good to
::smarty pants british music plays:: Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today is the word "fuck." Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter F, "fuck" is the only word that is referred to as the F-word.
It's the one magical word, just by it's sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. "Fuck", as most words in the English language, is derived from German, the word "flicken," which means to strike. In English "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories.
As a transitive verb for instance : "John fucked Shirley."
As an intransitive verb. "Shirley fucks."
It's meaning is not always sexual.
It can be an adjective such as "John's doing all the fucking work."
As part of an adverb: "Shirley talks too fucking much!"
As an adverb enhancing an adjective: "Shirley is fucking beautiful!"
As an interjection: "Fuck! I'm late for my date with Shirley."
As a conjunction: "Shirley is easy, fuck she's also stupid."
As a noun: "I don't give a fuck."
As part of a word: "Abso-fucking-lutely" or "in-fucking-credible"
And, as almost every word in a sentence: "Fuck the fucking fuckers."
As you must realize there aren't too many words with the versatility of "fuck." As in these examples describing situations such as:
Aggression: "Fuck you!"
Agreeable: "Fucking A."
Apathy: "Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?"
Confusion: "What the fuck?"
Deception: "Fucking liar."
Denial: "I didn't fucking do it."
Despair: "Fucked again."
Difficulty: "I don't understand this fucking business."
Directions: "Fuck off."
Disbelief: "How the fuck did you do that?"
Disgust: "Fuck me."
Dismay: "Oh, fuck it."
Displeasure: "What the fuck is going on here?"
Fraud: "I got fucked by the used car dealer."
Greetings: "How the fuck are you?"
Incompetence: "He's a fuck up."
Laziness: "He's a fuck off."
Lost: "Where the fuck are we?"
Panic: "Let's get the fuck out of here."
Perplexity: "I know fuck all about it."
Pleasure: "I fucking couldn't be happier."
Puzzlled: "How the fuck do I know?"
Rebellion: "I don't give a fuck what he said!"
Resignation: "Oh, fuck it!"
Retaliation: "Up your fucking ass!"
Suspicion: "Who the fuck are you?"
Trouble: "Well, I guess I'm fucked now."
It can be used as an anatomical description: "He's a fucking asshole."
It can be used to tell time: "It's five fucking thirty."
It can be used in business: "How did I wind up in this fucking job?"
It can be maternal as in: "Motherfucker."
It can be political: "Fuck George W. Bush."
It has also been used by many notable people throughout history:
"What the fuck was that?" - Mayor of Hiroshima
"Where the fuck did all these Indians come from?" - General Custer
"Where is all this fucking water coming from?" - Captain of the Titanic
"That's not a real fucking gun." - John Lennon
"Who's gonna fucking find out?" - Richard Nixon
"Heads are going to fucking roll." - Anne Boleyn
"Let the fucking woman drive." - Commander of Space Shuttle
"Any fucking idiot could understand that." - Albert Einstein
"It does so fucking look like her!" - Picasso
"How the fuck did you work that out?" - Pythagoras
"You want what on the fucking ceiling?" - Michaelangelo
"Fuck a duck." - Walt Disney
"Why?- Because its fucking there!" - Edmund Hilary
"I don't suppose its gonna fucking rain?" - Joan of Arc
"Scattered fucking showers my ass." - Noah
"I need this parade like I need a fucking hole in my head." - John F. Kennedy
I'm sure you can think of many more examples, with all of these multipurpose applications how can anyone be offended when you use the word? We say, use this unique flexible word more often in your daily speech. It will identify the quality of your character immediately. Say it loudly and proudly: "FUCK YOU!"
.....yawn~ so ooo bored again, that moment of insanity passed
demmit, my sister is annoying me by yelling at the dog, i have such a headache! im listening to billy jean.... GRRR she wont shut the FUCK UP .... man, i swear alot
huhrumguft! man, i need something to fix my hand, it feels like BURNING
har har har accordin' to the
smurf-in-ator(lol) my name is DUN DUN DUN : Deadly Smurf .... LOL!!!!!!! how ironic....wait no, uhm how,.... ME YEAH THATS IT!
i gotta wiz! ::runs to the can in an abundant fury o'action::
as you can see my depression has ended (i don't know why) but im back to my normal ASSIUS self... oh yeah, i have actual plans on making a new blog template.. and i wanna use this ::holds up a picture she drew:: i **heart** it, BUT the thing is if i DO scan it, i won't have any program(otehr than mspaint) to colour it with -.-_-.-
man, i comPLETLY forgot, i FINSISHED ANW:part DEUX a while ago, i just never got around to zipping it up yet... i fear what people will do to me (since its not really that fanny<(i mean FUNNY) andymore(lol) ...sigh) 0_0; i dont feel good, i just yammed three tacos and im dizzy >< i hate seeing stars they are just like '...' at you and it PISSEs ME THE HELL OFF
shhhhh i downloaded the english opening of GIGANTOR! now im gonna try to UNDERSTAND THE LYRICS
i'd LOVE to know what they were smoking when they wrote that (and where _I_ can get some ..LOL) T_T
i'm soo-oooo-ooooo bored, EVERYONE HATES ME! but thats okay, everyone GO ahead and HATE me, there is a bunch of kids on my street which i can take over and rule the street with, yeah.... i'm thinking aboot making a kami entitled 'ED'S MATERIAL!' and its just about ed, and his life.... i wonder if anyone would watch it, i SHOULD make it JUST so everyone will be like THAT WAS SOOO STUPID! and then i'd be like I KNOW THATS WHY I MADE IT!
mei mei(holding a dead chicken) : DEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
mei mei(throws the chicken on my bed and allows the debree to fluctuate onto my pillow) : wanna go run around and scream at the children on your street?!
not especially
mei mei (picks the chicken up and chucks it at me) : DEMMIT!
hey, should i get a keenspace account ? ( everyone : no) it could just be about random things like this ::picks up a page of her ANW comic:: in this one Mei Mei thinks shes inivisible and then she thinks theyve run out of food and then goes nuts ::picks up another one:: in this page mei mei doesn't want to eat the liver so she gets pissed off and throws a magic stale donut at it, and then ends up eating it anyway(special guest appearence of CYBORG 19) would anyone even read it? (no) hefeh feh FEH
B E W A R E O F G I G A N T O R ! !
BLEH BLEH BLEH BLEH! is me in a nut shell, i wish i could graze this earth in a fury of splendor and action BUT NOOOO i had to get hit by the bus of justice when that man who i know walked in the door to our outhouse and i said to him "WATCH OUT THE POSSUMS BITE!" and he went off to the circle of friends and sang about things, so then i walked toward the store of justice and bought myself some pop cuz i needed a jolt of sugar and so i went to the pizza store so see none other than carla sleeping in a trash cam "What are you doing?" i asked her in the way of justice asks my sister of things and she moaned and rolled over and said "I got kicked out my group home again.." I gave her the rest of my pop, and continued walking on my path of justicey jutice and so then i walked past the bar and i looked down and found a pennyrolling in a sewer and i was like WHOAH and so i continued my walk of justice and disco-d back to my jalopy house of justice to find ivory running around eating toilet paper, i sighed and rolled my eyes of justice
as you can see i am bored
i had taco bell, the guy at the place got mad at my dad cuz my dad was like WHAT? WHAT?! WHAAAT?! and the guys like 'COME TO THE WINDOW, OKAY?!' lol, that was when SMOOTH CRIMINAL by AAF was on and i was singing it and the guy that was mad at my dad looked at me like i shot him in the groin
a bird plopped on my lei lei claws (i left them on the balcony from the day when i wore my costume for no reason then went to mcdonalds for brekfast and then i got sick and went to bed)
a couple o' days ago i wrecked my sakura wars poster! i punched a hole in my door(which ripped it) o_0 when my dad sees that he's gonna be like GRRR KONG NOT HAPPY!
lol, im listening to WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT by THE TWISTED SISTERS!!! lol n_n
....I'm trying to be UNDEPRESSED you know by doing all the things that usually bring me joy, like swimming, i went swimming this morning at 7 and it was just like, " in the' and i usually love sitting out on my balcony drawing with my dog as i laugh at the kids on the street, i did that NOTHING. I was going to to goto my grandma's (my moms mom) but EVERYTIME i go up there, they are always LECTURING ME! first its like YOU SHOULD LOSE WEIGHT GOTO THE DOCTOR GET BLOOD TESTS YOU DON'T EAT ENUFF TO LOOK LIKE THAT BLAH BLAH BLAH!! then when they give me ALL this food, and i only eat what i can shes all like YOU HAVE TO EAT BLAH BLAH BLAH WHEN I WAS LITTLE I COULDN'T EAT THIS MUCH CUZ WE DIDN"T HAVE ANY FOOD BLAH BLAH! then; YES there is a THEN, she starts complaining about how my HAIR is dyed, and then shes like WHY DON'T YOU DRESS UP WHEN YOU VISIT?! YOU LOOK LIKE A HOBO, AND WHY DO YOU WEAR THAT CAPE? BLAH BLAH COMPLAIN BITCH BITCH BITCH!! so last time i was there i said to her, well if i have to change who i am to visit you. i won't VISIT you. DAMMIT! its the SAME with my MOM she wants me to still be a little GIRL! but IM NOT! gee, by my age james was already asking her to buy him beer, and she did! but if i asked her to get me some vodka or rum shes like IM NOT GOING TO THE LIQUOR STORE! or she'll look at me like im joking, then i say last summer to her "Mom, i wanna get my eye brow peirced along with my lip" shes like 'I'll talk to your father' the next day my dad's like 'So you wanna get your face peirced' im like 'yup' hes like 'Well, its up to you, its YOUR face' and then i ask my mom to take me to the place and shes likeBLAH BLAH BLAH im BUSY I can't I DONT HAVE ANY GAS! she'll say ANYTHING just so i can't get it done, THEN i asked her last night if she would call the dentist about the vampire caps on my teeth shes like 'BUT I DON' TKNOW IF YOUR DAD WOULD LET YOU!' and im like 'well, they are just caps they CAN be removed' shes like 'BUT YOULL LOOK
WEIRD!' then i screamed at her and said 'WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS?!" and i went to my room and slammed the door just to piss her off. She used to let me do a bunch of shit, but since a while ago when her mom gave her a lecture about me shes being such a bitch!
I WANNA DRW SOMETHING!!! but i suck... i Hattte this, i only have a VEIW peices of paper... >< i don't know wwhat to draw, and its USESS ANYWAYS! IF i SCAN it, i'll HAVE to colour it in MSPAINT! i no longer have corel 10 cuz it was only a trial, now im back to NOTHING! NOTHING I SAY FUCKING NOTHING! ::cringes:: my STOMMAAACCCHHHH!!!!!!!!! bleh bleh bleh BLEH BLAH BLEH BLAH, i HATE this SHOW ::george and martha is on:: it so RETARDED! .. ihatedaytimetv! its so shittty oh yeah some referals :
Lycos: piss in her mouth
Yahoo: body piss pictures
Lycos: vinegar lady
Yahoo: fatt bitch (how true)
Yahoo: how does girl piss
Google: piss queen
Google: deanna blogspot (why do people search for my NAME?)
Lycos: piss accidents
Yahoo: crocodile hunter fanfics
Google: liquid leather sucks
Google: piss
BLEH! i have a headache, and im hungry BUT i DON'T want to take anymore asprins, my blood is thin enuff as it is
mrumrum, i don't FEEEEEEEL goood, im so sick of being depressed about shit, shit i don't have any control of, and grumbunm i have a stomach ache.....WELP! im REALLY cold ::has a blanket:: i went swimming in my clothes, and noooooow my FAVOURITE black skirt is NOW BROWN! ;__; i HATE this i smell like clorine, CHEECK! CHHHHEEEEEEECCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! im all ITCHEH! i wiiiiissh that i had a new hammperrrrr
Alein Ant Farm does a good version of smooth criminal, don't they? yeah, i know..... eh, i saw a good kami yesterday, with really good art... buuuut its not up on otakuworld (BUT it SHOULD be) .... maaan, im bored my ass hurts from sitting in this chair so long
....I REALLLY want my CAPS on my TEETH, im gonna go talk to my mom about them (also about the going to this tattoo place toFINALLY get my peircings done...ive been waiting for since LAST summer)
yeah then they roared at the log and the road hit in the flowing dead melting egg
i reeeaaaallllllyyy like the music video for the song schism by tool, is it me or is that reallllly messed up n_n but thats okay
eh, d is feeling beter today
just leave me alone, LEAVE ME ALONE ALL OF YOU! JUST GO AWAY
myskin feels all weird, when ever i touch it my finger leaves a dent in it, and even a little pressure makes one of those marks (you know the kind you get if press you nail into your arm hard enuff it leaves a nail mark) well even when i just touch it and stuff like thatand then it doesn't go away
damn it, ::is having a hard time breathing:: i just had a major anxiety attack, i don't know WHY but just did, in the last 4 or 5 days i had at LEAST 3 attacks a day, i don't know why, and i wanna know, dammut im not well, i think something bad is gonna happen- but i donno, im probably just being probed by many un identifyable things, but its weird, i had an anxeity attack this morning when i was about to jump in to pool and i had to stand there and keep my balance on the diving board, i don't know, and i had one when i was making lunch and when i was sitting down on my bed drawing on the wall and one just now, goodness .....doesn't ANYBODY care?!... i didn't think so
grrrr, im in one of thosemoods to rant, i feel as if eveyone just USES me, its like iM ONLY GONNA TALK TO HER WHEN THERE IS NO ONE ELSE AROUND! grr, its like everyone avoids me, its ALWAYS THE WAY IT IS! im like the DEFAULT person who is ALWAYS THERE in the BACK GROUND watching everyone advance in life, while im standing still, watching and waiting; waiting for my help, waiting for the person _I_ can talk to, but they never come, im alone now, everyone has gone so far ahead, and sitll the same as i was two years ago, everyone talks to ME when they need someone to feel SORRY for them. But whenever i start to talk to someone about MY problems everyone is like HGUHUGH YEAH WELL BLAH BLAH BLAH, maybe i should just stop talking to people, and stop listening, stop being so bloody caring for people around me, i should just be a mindless person who wants to be like EVERYONE else JUST so i'll blend so far in the back ground i'll just dissapear, and if someone ever mutters my long forgotten name they'll just remember the lonley ugly girl with no friends or brains, and they will laugh- my so called 'friends' will laugh and remember...remember how stupid i was remember how i listened to them ,and then they'll realize what they have done, and the guilt will be there in teh backs of their self centered little minds, always there reminding them how they were, and how they are now, and it'll be with them as long as they live until they also join me in the way of death, and then the never ending dreamless sleep will occur, and that will be the end of a pointless life.... thank you for listening ~owari
(this wasn't pointed at anyone in particular, i just need to vent)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ::her head explodes in a explosion of blood and guts...yes GUTS:: every EVERY picture EVERYWHERE IS A BROKEN BLOODY HELL IMAGE!! ::mei mei walks by and mops up d's gooey mess of blood and guts::
~BLEH i should be doing something, but i feel guilty about something, but i don't know WHAT! and im hot and tired and i can't SLEEP... well the non sleeping part is nothing NEW
GRAA! im going to fucking NUTS, i have a DRUNK father and DRUNK brother in the living room fighting at 4 in the fucking asshole mother fucking shitty fucking assed up gay fucked ass MORNING, its all like 'blah blha FUCK' "blah blAH BLAH FUCK FUCK" OVER AND OVER!! and im TRYING to concentrate on something... but i don't know what. I HAVE AN ODD URGE TO SNIP OFF MY STUPID HAIR!!
meg-chan it still doesn't work (even withh get-freakin-right)... >< demmit i HAAAAATE geoshittttiiieesss
be proud........join the army (not the canadian one... unless you wanna plow driveways)
...ehh, still haven't slept... its just so... hotttt its ::gets the temperature thingy:: 30.6 celcius (87.3 farenheit) in my roomand thats OUT of the sun... DAMMUT, my mom ripped the garbage bags offa my window so in the morning its all light and sunnfilled and it hurts my eyes
eh, im officially nocternal, i went to bed at around 9 yesterday morning, and theennn i got up around 5pm or something and finally watched the rest of the lamue 40 fire tape lisa lent me... that bussiness made NO sense, and what the HELL was with that floating HEAD thing head... okay uhm im gonna something, but i donno what
ZUH! hey what do y'all think of my new homepage ? (
here ) that's right D moved her page to tripod, my dbz page will soon be moved somewhere too, but not yet (for those who don't know, NBCi {formerly XOOM} is shutting down or some shit, so i moved my page) uhh im not feeling well
meg-chan i SO wanna see that music video, but geoshitties says the "this page is currently unavailable for viewing" (even when i cut and paste the addy) demmit!
OMG!!! im using netscape to what you would say post this message.... UGH IT LOOKS SOOOO GAY!! har har im only using netscape cuz i was checking my e-maaiilll, uhm yeah and i uploaded this for all to see

hahahahaha, okay, im gonna close this awful thing they call 'NETSCAPE'
im bored, theres is NOTHING to do, i wanna go swimming, but im lazy and i have a killer headache
my sister's kamishibai is up on otakuworld... GO. DOWNLOAD. NOW. n_n speaking of kamishibai, im on scene 66 ... the next part (part 3) is prolly gonna be shorter, like ming and dracoa, then i can put out more than one part a year.... and maybe i'll have voices, cuz my computer is not so full n__n
::scatches her arm:: dammut its SO ITCHY!!::continues to scratch the large swollen lump:: actually, uknow what?I WANNA DRAW FANART!!! but i donno who to draw.....dammut, who wants fanart? anyone? for free? anyone? nah i didn't think so
death test says that i'll die on
January 22, 2037 at the age of 50 years old.
On that date you will most likely die from:
Suicide (20%)
Cancer (17%)
Drowning (13%)
Alien Abduction (9%)
Confusion (8%)
Alcoholism (8%)
...doesn't suprise me one bit, not one bit..
OH YEEAAHH!! i just noticed the new little faces on imood... THEYRE SO CUTTTEE!!...i'll be okay, no really i will
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! i just came back from muh cottage!! TWAS FUN!!! well yeah, im not gunna tell ya'll aboot it, cuz its nune o' yer damned beesness, actually, it isnt but i'll tell ya anyways, okay so yeah, me, b(muh sis) and quova(lisa) all went to muh cottage with muh eveel grandparents from hell, and we did stuff and played mah jongg and we played some other games like dominos(the REAL kind, mexican train style) and we played claw(a card game) and such, and we went swimming and fishing, and on the last day (today) it was actually NICE outside so we went boating, and then we weere gonna go tubing, so yeah, we went tubing and i was jumping off the dock onto the tube, but i didn't hit it, i went RIGHT over the side and did this flippy thing, and i came up i was laughing and my gramma was laughing and my sister was laughing and my grampa was laughing and the neighbour who were in their boat were laughing and we were all laughing at my dumbness, and then we came home... well other stuff happened, but im lazy and i don't feel like typing.... okay, so i just caught up with everyones damned blogs and i have a few things to say
rikki-san : you can make fun of mei mei- or anyone in my kami in yours iffen you want, i don't really care n_n;;
chris-kun : i ment to say this before i left, but i is a lazy man-- woman uh yeah, that painting you painted was coool (paints random things like that)
meg-chan : sorry tuh hear aboot your struggles with riot ink'n'stuff'n'such
chibi-alex-chan : nice new layout n_n
uhm, anything else i meant to say...? i don't remember..... uhh ::thinking:: OH YEAH!! i have some ... PICTURES to scan....har har har, you'll see, you'll see (not my art- BUT IT SHOULD BE!!)
uhhhOH YEAAAHH! guess what? I GOT STUNG BY A HORNET!! (or a wasp- i don't know) cuz yeah i was walking and heard something fly into my hair so i brushed it away, and then i felt a sting on my arm and i slapped it (not really thinking) and i hit my arm REAL hard, and then i looked and there was like this mark, and so i went inside the cottage and ate some brekfast.... or lunch i can't remember, yeah and now my arm is all swollen like REALLY swollen where it stung- or BIT me(theres no stinger...?) like ive been stung by wasps vbefore but it was never like this and now both my arms have these red bumpy things on them...but o well... oh and also my mom got her teeeeetthhH!! i don't know what she looks like yet, but she HAS THEM!! (iffen you didn't know, my mom had all her teeth pulled out and she just finally GOT her false ones) they were 1500 bux.... and my grandparents might buy a house in florida, so i can get the 99dollar midnight flights there when ever i want to n_____n
i don't think i have anything else to say....well, i think im gonna go take that death test and then i;ll post the results and go and enjoy some really crappy canadian tv..
::gulps down her disgusting made up cookie things she made that have too much flour in them and not enuff sugar:: i think im gonna tell you my dream that i had last night...
kay it started out i was watching this movie with james(my brother) and his girlfriend, and it was about these people who lived on this giant ship, and then yeah, so then i was cooking some food, i donno what some of it was, but it was brown and it smelt really good, but as soon as i was gonna sit down and eat it my mom brought four bish fish for me to cook, so i had gutted them and fillet'ed(is that how its spelt?) them so then for some ODD reason i was cooking the fillets in a pot... i donno why, but i was cooking them in a pot, so they were done, and i was just gonna eat that brown stuff, and my mom brough even more fish for me to cook, so some stuff happened but i could remember, and yeah so then i was IN that movie with the people in the big ship, and i was captain janeway (for ...some... odd reason) so yeah then i was helping the ring leader, pull the boat with these giant chains down this river (we were UNDER the boat, i don't know how its possible, but thats where we were) se we were pulling this boat and i was still janeway... did i mention that the boat was reallllyyyy big, like TITATIC big, kay maybe not THAT big, but you know what i mean, anyways, so i was helping the ring leader chick and i was like 'I'M TAKING CONTROL OF THIS BOAT, I AM GOING TO BE THE CAPTAIN!' and so the chick was like "OK KATHYRN(is that how her name is spelt?) YOU CAN TAKE CONTROL OF IT!" so she walked off and left me to do this GIANT job, which was impossible and i was like "WAIT- HELP ME BLAHAHAH!' and yyeah, so then some other stuff went on that i can't remember, and it got to this part where the waters were coming, and everyone was like OHNO WE HAVE TO GET UP THE MOUNTAIN!! because the boat was in this river by a moutain (oh yeah, its all snowy and frozen outside) so a bunch of people were leaving to go up the mountain, and there was lisa britt and i, and some other people and this little girl, so we walked along this really long path and while we were walking i said 'theres a shallower place to cross the river.' but no on listened so we kept walking, and we came to this big river crossing out pathway, and we had to swim thru it, but then i said 'There was a place back there, where the water was shallower' and they were all like why didnt you say anything? and i was like 'i DID, but you didn't listen!' so we stood there, and then the 'camera' went to this other place where this girl and an older guy were standing at the part of the river(the place i was talking aboot) and the girl was like "GO ON SWIM ACROSS!!" but the water's width wasn't even enuff for him to lay down in, and it didn't even go over his head, yeah then it came back to us,and so we walked ALLL the way back to the water so we could cross, and right when we were gonna cross and then that little girl said, she wanted to go see her gramma one last time, so she walked back to the ship, now i was her, and there were these 4 guys sitting outside of the ship and this one guy had a REALLY big rubber hat on, and so they were like' what do youwant?' and i was like ' i wanna see my gramma one more time!' and so then the guy with the rubber hat got up and the guy beside him yelled at him to sit back down cuz now that his hat had moved his neck was cold, sooo anyhoooo the guy led my to my gramma's room and told me she was eating a bagle, so i went in, right i went in and i picked up a jar, so i looked in the jar, and there was a bagle, and i poked it and said 'GRAMMA, WaKE UP!! COME ON WAKE UP!!' so i guess my gramma was a bagle(?) and then something else happened but i can't remember what.....
wasn't that cool?
im bored as hell, i wanna go swimming, but im tooo lazy, oh yeeaahh im going to my cottage tomorrw with lissaaa its gonna be fun, my brother might come, so i'll bet they'll let us drive on the seadoos (cuz if my brother doesn't come, i might not be allowed... cuz im under age!!) DAMMUT!! WHY O WHY MUST I BE UNDER AGED!?! stupid birthday, what does it matter if im a year older or not? jee its not like im a litttle kid thats gonna go full throdle into the side of another boat! ::likes going full throdle though:: its hard to do that when you have someone on the baack, MAN i haven't been to my cottage in ..hmmm 1 year.... or 2 .. i can't remember, but whatever man its gonna be funn, as long as i can live through the drive up there... im gonna make a cd, and b one (if she wants one) and we can listen to our own music on the way up... n_n
CRAB! you know what, my compuer likes to hump
grrrrrrrr, im angry my head hurts so much and my sister and the dog were in my room making so much noise i freaked out on them, and now im the one getting into trouble? cuz i don't feel good and don't want to be bothered? what the fuck man? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS EVERYONE FUCKING ON?! GRRRRR ::wants to rips out her hair::
Random Girl number 45 : Drawn all in MSPAINT!!
MMmmmm Sprittteee : Also drawn in MSpaint ... my own sprites which i didn't rip offa anyone n_n
Elf Broad : I dedicate this picture ta
Lisa cuz its her style o'artidgeness (mine's not near as good as hers though), drawn in corel 10
FanArt Fer Chibi Alex-chan : n_n i didn't like the other picture i drew for you, sooo i drew a new- DIFFERENT one (drawn in mspaint)
SCARY-NESS : dammut... evo' drawn in mspaint
there is more, but im too lazy to upload it
what to doo??? DAMMUT!! im so bored, being bored is even more interesting than this
lisaaaaa if we're pea'n'carrots ... i get to be a carrot... cuz my head is shaped like one, cuz when i was little i got my head stuck in the corner or the room, when i slept-- you know a BED room?
i soooo bored, let me tell you what i do everyday
stay up till 2 am, watch voyager, if infomercials are one, i get mad and break something, then after that is over, it is now three, at three matlock is on, i watch matlock, matlock is a crafty tart-- after matlock its now 4 am, i watch d.s. nine when that is oveh, i watch nothing cuz its now 5 am and i am still awake, then i sleep till around 2 pm, get up go on computer, read everyone's blogs, check the forum/online comics, go on msn and wait for 2 am again....... wow COOL huh? like EVERYDAY i do that EVERYDAAYYY!! maan, im such a loser and i have a headache, my dad gave me these pills yesterday -- two big orange ones and a small white one, he said that they would settle my stomach and get rid of my head ache.... i've had this headache for almost 3 days (no lie, im really serious) i took the last of the asprins yesterday and i just went to sleep cuz its such a migrane like EVERY sound/light/movement of body makes my head burn. and the day before yesterday morning i was soo sick, i was sitting there and i hurled, well i almost did but i shut my mouth and ran to the can room and it came out my nose URG IT WAS SOOO GROSSS!! AHBFUHAHBFUDSHSUS SOOO SICKENING!! and it burnt my nose holes (i guess cuz the stomach acid or something) ... and my STUPID BIRDS WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
you know what? YESTERDAY I ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING!! i layed out on my balcony for three hours with my dog, and i was singing about the road and how it came to town and stuff and how matlock was old and then something aboot a pinecone.... ::shifty eyes:: then this broad was dilivering the newspaper and she looked at me like i shot her in the head.... yeah, ivory has a big ugly stick now, yeah i wanted to throw it at that broad...
yeah, i'll post in here later
well, i did
this test and these are my results... oddley i am not the least bit suprised
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
this is what i do when im bored.... fill out thems little test-like deals, no one prolly cares about meh, but eh i take the time to read everyone elses, so i figure WHY THE FUCK NOT?! lol guh i have stomach.... ache ::dies::
maan, i woke up early and my teeth hurt
time i did the 50 question survey o'hope (which i got from
freckles blog)
Would you rather...?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? BOTH
2. Be serious or be funny? I'm pretty good at being funny, but I can be serious if i have to be
3. Whole or skim milk? skim milk n_n (whole milk tastes like creeaaammmm BLEH)
4. Single or Taken? single-not looking cuz i don't care
5. Simple or complicated? complicated like a bitch
6. Law or anarchy? annnnaaaarrchhhyyy DAMMUT
7. Flowers or angels? angels ANGELS DAMMUUTTT ONLY PINE CONE!!
8. Grey or gray? uhhh usually grey
9. Read or write? read (i suck at writing)
10. Color or black-and-white photos? black and white are like 'YEAH' and colour are like '...yeah'
11. Sunrise or sunset? sunset, mostly cuz im an owwwlllll (lol)
12. M&M's or Skittles? PEANUT FRICKIN M&M's
13. Rap or rock? ROCK ROCK ROCK!! some rap is good tho, but im a punk rock MAN- i mean BAND i am the ONE MAN ORCHESTRA!!
14. Stay up late or wake up early? uhh i stay up REALLY late like 5 am, so does that mean i'm up early?
15. TV or Radio? eh, i used to listen to the radio all the time then they got rid of humble and fred, so i stopped (har har) but tv is good when you cant sleep and an old epsiode of voyager is on.
16. Is it POP or SODA? POP!!!
17. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? ...X
18. Name Brand or not? NOT! i HAAATTEEE NAME BRANDS!!! like LISA with HER OLD NAAAVY BAG AND SHIRT AND SHOES!! ::lights a match:: BURRRN BURRNN!!
19. Eat an apple or an orange? both ::loves them both::
20. What came first the chicken or the egg? neither
21. Hot or Cold? cold, COLD DAMMUT ::doesn't wear a coat in the winter:: so what if i get sick?
22. Butter or Margarine? i don't fecking care
23. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? tall
24. Sun or moon? THE MOON!!
25. Emerald or ruby? ah jeez, well i used to have a 1200 dollar ruby ring WHICH I LOVED but some jack off stole it from me, so uhm i like both alot
26. Shower or bath? neither, i only shower/bath when i need to
27. Left or right? i guess right, but i don't care
28. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend (hey, that's how its always been)
29. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? BOTH
30. High or drunk? DRUNK .... ::looks around::what??
31. Green beans or carrots? fresh steamed green beans with butter on them (lol)
32. Love or Lust? i don't care
33. Fenced in yard or open? fenced in (i HATE ppl looking in my yard)
34. Kids or no kids? NO DAMNED KIDS ::hates kids like a madhouse::
35. Half empty or half full? its half empty, unlesssss you filled it to there, but if you drank it and then the end came
36. Cat or dog? BOTH they are so kawaii! n_n
37. Mustard or ketchup? ...condiments are evo'
38. Hard covered books or paperbacks? hard covered, i donno i have a thing for a book that smells of leather.... (-__-;;)
39. Newspaper or magazine? newspaper, cuz they actually talk about subjects im used to (like people being charged, killed, or in accidents)
41. Sandals or sneakers? boots
42. Wonder or amazement? eh?
43. Red car or white car? black mustang
44. Happy and poor or sad and rich? well, neither of them
45. Singing or dancing? i like singing, but i sound like a vacuum, and i can't dance good, (well, i might be able to, but i don't cuz i look so gross)
46. Hugging or Kissing? neither, people should stay the hell away from me
47. Corduroy or plaid? PLAID!!!!
48. Happy or sad? I'd say sad, cuz i always am
49. Purple or green? what colour do you when you mix them both?
50. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friends? what a RETARDED question ::crosses it out and writes : Dead? Alive? or MATLOCK?:: DEAD MATLOCK ON A STICK!!!!!
im bored and my arm is tender-- actually its not anymore, i just like saying tender, well my wrists are tender and so are my fingers cuz i put them in a juicer, the end
and i quoth the jon
"You love it down south, and boy, you sure do got a purdy mouth....." he said that to fred durst; in a song-- a song titled "All in the Family" its track number 8 on the album 'Follow The Leader' which came out in 1998, 'twas the 3rd album they released, the two before were the self titled album 'KoRn' which came out in 1994, and 'Life is Peachy" which came out in 1996, after the 'Follow The Leader' Album KoRn proceeded to release the album 'Issues' and hopefully there will be more after that n_n and heres something you may or may not have known, but before jon was a singer dood, he used to work in a morg-- he was the lucky guy that got to move the corpses around.
don't you feel smarter? i know _I_ do too n____n (lol, im being a- dunk)
guhh, i haven't gotten more then 5 hours of sleep in the last two days, i was suposed to goto my cottage with
lisa (quova-hime) and britt(my sister) BUUUTTT my grand father decides that he is not driving up there until monday, i supose its better if we go then, at leasssst i'll be confortabler then (its that STUPID time of the month which everyone hates, both female and male- for different reasons of course... -_-) im .. so... bleh feeling, lol, last night at like 1 am i was making salad and then i was looking in the bacon bits and they were all green and they smelt like ass, and i laughed so SOOO HARD AT IT (hey, it was funny) and then britt was going on about ivory's infamous 13th boob... lol LOL my dog doesn't HAVE 13 boobs, she has 10!! and an infamous
11th (not 13th) boob DAMMUT!! im bored, i actually started working on anw again... yawn, its actually being like almost thinking aboot having plot.. MAN!! n___n, also you know what? at my cottage the lake MAY have ebol-FREAKING-i DAMMUT!! im going in it anyway, cuz when they tested the water, something wasn't right, but they think they just dicked up the test, so then-- MAN MY ROOM SMELLS LIKE MY OLD GRANDAD!!!! WHY?! WHY DAMMUT?! WHY THE HELL?! he better not have came in here yesterday (i fell asleep watching tennis when my grandad came at me a mile a minute, so i didnt see him, but i heard him talking to muh dad) yeah, i don't think he came in here, but my door was wide open when i came out of my moms room (i slept in there cuz she wasnt home, AND SHE HAS A CONBERTER!!! so i could lay there and change the channels, unlike MY tv) .... 0_0 welll if he did come in here, he would have been screaming aboot the mess, and i didn't wake up from him yellin' so uhm yeah
ivoryyyyy is downstairs, and im talking to myself, cuz im bored and listening to 'DEAD BODIES EVERYWHERE' by koRn I **heart** JON ^_________________^ (don't know who jon is? GET A TV!! orrr look to the side < over there somewhere)
okayokayokay, yeah today lisa came oveh and we were like YEAH and then we went swimming and then after a long while we got cold so yeah then we were going in and the dog got out, yeah so ivory got out, yeah she was running, and she was like running and then this doggy (who is really cute-- might i add) yeah, his name was buster, he was cute, and so he was being a horny lil' bastard, ya'know like male dogs are, so he's running around smelling ive's ass and so ivory is running while this other doggy is chasing her, so yeah, ivory is a thick dog- like shes really musculy, she looks real light, but shes not so she can't run as fast as the other dog (even though if she wanted to she could rip him apart), okay yeah so this dog is CHAAASSSINGG her and so then i picked her up i was gonna carry in inside but the other dog was jumping up, yeah he was jumping up and smelling her and she was like URG so i set her down, and then this dog was chasing her around again, so then she was crying, cuz she couldn't get away from him, so then, i grabbed buster(who isn't my dog, he's my neighbours..not the ALEX neighbour though) so yeah, i was holding him so he couldn't run after ivory, so ivory was running around, and then i picked buster up (maaan, he was SO much lighter than ivory) and then i carried him and i was carrying him and ivory was jumping up and licking his face and he's all like 'Buhhhuuhhh?' and so then lisa grabbed ivory and sat down with her, so then she couldn't run away, and so i carried buster home, he was like cuttttee so i gave him to the lady whose name i don't know even though she and her kids have came swimming, so then i went back to lisa and ivory and i picked ivory up and by then my bad arm was beginning to become numb, so we let her in and we sat in the kitchen and looked at britt and my homeade game, and then we put the chicken wings that lisa brought oveh in the oven, and i told my dad to check them in 20 minutes and then if they were done take themout, so then me and britt and lisa went to the park and it was hot so we sat around the slide which made shade, so we sat there and then we went home and the chicken burnt cuz they checked it 10 minutes before we got there, and sooo it was burned, and so we sat around and we were gonna order chicken wings and then we didn't and we went to the mandarin instead, yeah so we went and we ate and ATE like madhouses and sooo then i ordered a virgin pina coloda (ddaaammmnnn it i wanted rum in MINE!!), and my mom ordered a non virgin one, and i drank lots of hers over half of it, and it was all rum-filled with goodness and so yeah me and lisa got some lobster pinchys and we ate some of it, but it had no butter (and it just tasted like bitter chicken... and it was COLD) and then we got some ive cream and there lisa found a plastic lobster and shuved it into the rubber-like cake i got, and yeah so then i got this lobby and then when we were waiting for my mom to get the wod of cash to pay, i was making it talk to lisa like 'OooOooh liissaaa sttooppp turning me ON' and shes just like 'huHGUHDUH' and i was laughing and mannn i was laughing hard, and then we came home and we were sitting in the grass allowing ourselves to expand in a vulgar way (LOL hahah lol) and then i got vash and i told vash that lisa was having an affair with the lobster (which i also had with me) and shes like "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOooOO!!!" and then it started to get REALLY dark (cuz of the rain gray raining rain clouds) so we were like YEAH and we sat on the driveway and waited and then lisa's old man and maw came and drove her away and so then me and britt were sitting there and it started to pour and lightening and thunder and we sat there, while we sat there and we went inside then i layed in britts bed and fell asleep for like five minutes and then i came in my room and went to sleep and then i woke up like ... like hour ago and i went on the comptuer and yeah that was my day cool huh? hey that was like a GIANT RUN ON SENTANCE lol cooooollll what would you do if everyone on my blog entries were like this?